Friday, June 22, 2018

Top 5 Android Smart Phones of 2018 Till Date


Google’s Android operating system accounts for a vast majority in today’s smartphone market. In recent times, many Android flagship smartphones come with 6GB of DDR4 RAM, equivalent to the RAM available on a normal laptop. Alongside, while you may still be using a Full HD television at home, the screen resolution on top tier smartphones has been moved to 2K, and in some cases, even 4K. The camera quality has also improved massively, and is steadily progressing with each new smartphone. With all of these in mind, there are a lot of options to go through. Here, we give you a list of the best Android phones to buy in India, in 2018. These smartphones offer the right mix of performance and features. Click on each of the recommended top  5 smartphones to read their detailed reviews, and get more information on the best android smartphones in India.

1). Samsung Galaxy S9+

The Samsung Galaxy S9+ is an extremely powerful smartphone, but unlike the S9, this one’s meant for big screen lovers. It has a 6.2 inch QHD display and Samsung’s AMOLED panels look as good as ever. It carries the same design as the Galaxy S8 and is the most ergonomic big screen smartphone today. To make a long story short, the Samsung Galaxy S9+ is the smartphone to buy if big screen and attractive looks are your priorities. All this makes the Samsung Galaxy S9+, the best among all the Android mobile phone in India.

My ReviewIf you want a phone with the best design in the market and the best camera performance just go for it, As it Provides best Camera performance, Best Low light performance, and the display is mind blowing.

2). Google Pixel 2 XL

If pure Android is your OS of choice and money is no bar, the best phone in the market to get is the Google Pixel 2 XL. The Pixel 2 XL may have the same performance as every other flagship Android phone this year, but then Google phone more than makes up for it in the camera department. Both the rear and front facing cameras are superb. The phone also comes with a guaranteed early update to the next Android OS, as soon as it is available.

My ReviewIf you want the pure android experience and great camera performance just go with this device as this can be a perfect device for you people. This Smartphone is Pretty good in almost every aspect.


3). Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Samsung has done a lot for Android, and this year it has one of the best Android phones to buy in India so far. The Galaxy Note 8 has an excellent camera, it’s fast and it’s arguably one of the prettiest Android phone out there. It is also the only phone which offers support for a stylus. It’s meant for flagship buyers who don’t want any compromise whatsoever, and if money is no bar, this is the Android phone to buy. 

My ReviewThe Galaxy Note 8 is still a terrific phone in 2018, with dual cameras and a boatload of stylus tricks. It's currently the most feature-rich Android phone you can buy. Go for this beautiful Designed feature rich phone if you want to get most out of your android phone. 

4). OnePlus 6

All things considered, the OnePlus 6 is a great smartphone. In fact, it’s One of the fastest Android smartphone out there today. For Android lovers, and especially the enthusiasts, the OnePlus 6 is a good phone to consider. It has a commendable but not perfect camera, but it will do the job very well. Combined with decent battery life, it makes for a great smartphone.

My ReviewThe new "flagship killer" OnePlus 6 offers power, style, and ... this smartphone is the budget Flagship and offers a lot features at this Price point. This is a Great Phone , A Value for money Smart phone.

5). Samsung Galaxy S8

The Samsung Galaxy S8 has a great design and is without a doubt the most beautiful smartphone on the market today. It runs on a fast and up to date Exynos 8895, built on the 10nm process. Samsung has touched up on the camera as well, but it’s largely the same as last time. That, though means that the camera is still amongst the best in the market. The Galaxy S8 is the best Android smartphone for those looking for looks above all else.

My Review- This Phone was a Revolutionary Smartphone by Samsung, As they made 5.8 Inch Screen look so amazing, the design and the Infinity Display was mesmerising, If you want a phone with the best design in the market and the good camera performance just go for it, As it Provides Best Low light performance, and the display is mind blowing. this device will be a good value for money in 2018. 


Top 5 Android Smart Phones of 2018 Till Date

   Google’s Android operating system accounts for a vast majority in today’s smartphone market. In recent times, many...